Origin Information about Green Mung Bean
Recently it’s time to start 2018 new crop. Farmers are waiting for a rainy day with a little high temperature. Compared with it last year, it’s warmer this year, maybe the planting time will be earlier. And today we’d share something about our very main product, mung bean.
Farmers earned less and less because of the relatively low price of 2017 crop mung bean. Compared with broomcorn and corn, farmers also got less subsidy. Therefore, the rain is as usual as the former years, the cultivated area of mung bean may decrease by about 30% in China.
Now mung bean from Myanmar has come into the market, the quality is better. And when step into June, domestic demand will increase continuously because of the high temperature. Along with the decreasing amount of stock and cultivated area, we estimate that the price of mung bean may be sustained high.
In fact, in past few weeks price of mung bean for sprouting has increased by around $50 per ton. And the quantity of high quality products also decreases sharply. If you’re interested in it, please pay attention.